Ramachandran Radhakrishnan (Ram) Ramachandran Radhakrishnan (Ram) has nearly three decades of experience in the Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals space. He has held a variety of senior positions with progressively increasing responsibilities in the Pharmaceutical industry in India, USA and Europe. He was until 2005, the Executive Director and a member of the Board of Directors at Strides Arcolab Limited - a listed healthcare company.
Ram has been an entrepreneur since 1983, and has been keenly involved in turning around sick and problematic companies.
His last assignment of over 10 years was as part of a three member senior management team at Strides Arcolab Limited (SAL). He was actively involved in and was instrumental in the growth of the company. He was in charge of the 'Steriles Division' of the company initially and later was Head of Operations of the Contract Research and Manufacturing (CRAM) business at SAL, in which he was involved right from its acquisition. He was instrumental in the acquisition of the US business and was in charge of its operations till 2005.