Vision & Mission

Create outstanding value

We will be amongst the top five manufacturers of non-ionic Contrast Media in the world by variety and volume by 2022.

We will be the best Contract Development Company in the state that has all systems in place for a full fledged Research TEAM to function in a manner conducive to provide adequate support to the Medicinal, Bio and related Chemistry activities of the company by 2020.

We will be the preferred choice Contract Manufacturer for intermediates for our partner companies.

Our innovative and patented Drug Delivery Mechanism platform shall have started to bear fruit in the form of licensing formulations of compounds that have serious delivery, bioavailability and release issues thus providing line and patent extensions for these compounds.


Leverage and exceed expectation

All of us at Stellence strongly believe that as a corporate entity in an industrial environment, we have a corporate responsibility that extends beyond day to day management of the company and its environs.

We believe there shall be unequivocal excellence in all areas of the company and at all levels of the structure such that there is measurable evidence of success.

We strongly believe in innovation but, with a clear emphasis on Science. In this we will all make every effort to make a difference – by performing even an ordinary task, extraordinarily. This will be done with complete honesty and integrity.

We strongly believe that as a corporate entity, profits are an inherent and essential part of our sustenance and growth. However all our profits shall be with a humane and societal value – thus, all our products shall reflect its intrinsic benefit to our society.