STELLENCE PHARMSCIENCE PRIVATE LIMITED (SPPL) is a company keenly involved in the business of pharmaceuticals and chemicals. In its aspiration to locate a suitable manufacturing location in Bangalore, the company identified and bought Karnataka Chemsyn Limited (KCL), which was under rehabilitation with the Bureau of Industrial Finance and Reconstruction (BIFR), Govt. of India. With infusion of capital into the company, it has now been rehabilitated and restructured and is a vibrant manufacturing facility located at Jigani,in South Bangalore.
KCL has been rechristened as STELLENCE PHARMSCIENCE PRIVATE LIMITED (SPPL). SPPL is expected to be a lead player in the manufacture of Contrast Media (CM) products in the years ahead. SPPL follows the cGMP guidelines in its manufacturing operations and has two small volume finishing lines – where we expect to produce high value complex molecules either as an advanced intermediate or an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API). In addition the facility also has a large volume finishing area where we plan to produce a range of CM products.